Regal Clock Aneroid Sphygmomanometer ABN Tipe Desk |
Produk Dalam Negeri Indonesia Produk Dalam Negeri

Regal Clock Aneroid Sphygmomanometer ABN Tipe Desk

100% Produk Original atau uang Kembali

AKD 20501022337
Rp 1.720.001

ABN™ REGAL DESKTOP MODEL The Portable Clock Aneroid Sphygmomanometer for Proffesional Product Features - Featuring large face 8", 300 mmHg no pin stop ....


The Portable Clock Aneroid Sphygmomanometer for Proffesional

Product Features
- Featuring large face 8", 300 mmHg no pin stop
mechanism of manometer gauge
- The large dial plate with stylish frame supported with the attractive strong base design, make this model grows to be the favorite for hospitals or clinics
- Designed as the desk model to get the flexibility of placement in all operations
- Comes with complete inflation system of the superior quality black nylon cuff with heavy duty latex inflation bladder, and they can all be placed nicely into a fine art storage compartment
- The 4 ft extendable latex coiled tubing is included with the deluxe metal connector

AKD: 20501510344

Kelengkapan :
- Keranjang tempat menyimpan manset dan bulb
- Manset berbahan Nylon dengan bladder lateks, 2 selang berbahan lateks
- Selang sprial yang bisa dipanjangkan
- Bulb ABN lateks dengan valve berlogo ABN

Manometer : Ukuran manometer 8 inci tanpa pin stop

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